Puffed Rice Upma

Puffed Rice Upma

Puffed Rice or Murmure is one of India’s favorite snack and breakfast cereal and today I am going to share one easy recipe using puffed rice that fall under my Upma category. Indians love Upma and there are over hundred variations in it. Here are 

Semiya Upma – Breakfast in 15min

Semiya Upma – Breakfast in 15min

Semiya / Vermicelli upma – prepare this breakfast in just 15 minutes. Semiya upma is one of the favorite tiffins of South India. Include this tasty, nutritious and quick recipe in your breakfast menu and it will definitely be one of your favorite dishes to 

Foxtail Spinach Delight

Foxtail Spinach Delight

Love healthy breakfast? then try this tasty foxtail spinach delight. Millets consumption have been in practice for centuries in India and now they have gained immense popularity as healthy grains and healthy alternatives because of the fast food trends. The foxtail millet can be consumed 

Foxtail Millet Upma

Foxtail Millet Upma

Want to haveĀ  breakfast which is tasty, filling and healthy? Then our traditional Upma is the best and fast option. In addition to our conventional upma try this foxtail millet upma: this is diabetic friendly, nutrient dense and gluten free, so this is well suited